Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Somebody emailed me asking for my phone number.
Why the fuck would I give my phone number to you, idiot?! Do you think I want to be stalked, attacked, raped and mutilated? ha ha, no thanks, I'll pass on that, my head is already killing me and if I was in any more pain you stupid, stupid, person it just might bleed over onto you!!
That said, I've had a very pleasant day.
My phone conversation with Shigure:

Shigure - Hello?
Akito - Who do you think it is, Moron?
Shigure - *gasp* Akito, I'm so glad you called! I was just thinking about you.
Akito - Stop talking. Hang up the phone. And get over here so I can ravish you.
Shigure - Sorry, No can do. I have a guest.
Akito - Fuck your guest!
Shigure - I just might do that.
Akito - What?! Who's there?
Shigure - Aaya.
Akito - ...Oh.
Shigure - I'll tell him you called.
Akito - Don't do that.
Shigure - Oh?
Akito - Just send Yuki over instead. I'd rather ravish him, anyway.
Shigure - You're bruising my ego.
Akito - And mine is completely unaffected. You just told me you'd rather visit with that bitch then with me!
Shigure - I was just kidding. I'll be right over.
Akito - Don't bother.
Shigure - It's no bother. I'll make up something, he'll fall for it, I'll show up and ravish you, we'll be done in five minutes.
Akito - Now you're just insulting me.
Shigure - Did I say five minutes? I meant to say five hours.
Akito - I don't care what you meant. I'm serious. Don't bother. I shouldn't have called you.
Shigure - Now don't be that way.
Akito - I'll be whatever way I want.
Shigure - Akiiitohh--
Akito - Don't talk to me, you sorry sack of shit. There's a gorgeous, concerned, undersexed doctor in the next room and I am getting out of bed now--
Shigure - Undersexed? Ooh, shame on you, Akito. You've been neglecting poor Hatori.
Akito - He deserves it. He's withholding morphine.
Shigure - ...*heh* Since you need so much more of that...
Akito - I do, actually.
Shigure - ...
Akito - I'm hanging up on you now.
Shigure - To show Hatori some mercy, I hope?
Akito - No. To tease him some more.
Shigure - You are positively evil.
Akito - Thank you. Not that it will get you anything.
Shigure - I'm serious. Once a man fucks you, he can't go without it for long. You shouldn't do that to the man who regulates your medication.
Akito - That doesn't really matter, seeing as he's never fucked me.
Shigure - ...You're kidding.
Akito - What is that supposed to mean?!
Shigure - Um...
Akito - You're calling me a slut!
Shigure - No...
Akito - You are.
Shigure - Well. Maybe a little bit.
Akito - ha ha. Thank you, I was afraid you weren't going to give me credit.
Shigure - But what do you mean, he's never fucked you?! He's been your doctor for all of...what...five years, now? And he's never...
Akito - Even laid a hand on me, besides when it was medically necessary. Amazing, right?
Shigure - Why haven't you told me this before?
Akito - It was more amusing to string you along, making you insanely jealous and insecure.
Shigure - That was why you would never answer my questions.
Akito - Because I didn't know.
Shigure - How do you live with yourself?
Akito - Very carefully.
Shigure - So you were kidding about going to ravish him.
Akito - No. I was serious.
Shigure - But...
Akito - I figure his time of ravishing is long overdue.
Shigure - ...Not that much. Really...
Akito - No. It is. I'll talk to you later, then?
Shigure - Here. Um...You sit tight and I'll be right over.
Akito - No. You'll stay there and give Ayame my regards. Tell him Thank You for me. I might not have come to my senses today if you hadn't so blatently rejected me on his behalf.
Shigure - He was just leaving...Really, he was just--
Akito - Goodbye, Shigure.
Shigure - Akito! Wait! Akito--

There. My phone conversation with Shigure as of three days ago, recorded and now posted for your viewing pleasure.
And since you're dying to know (you and Shigure), the details on what happened with Hatori:


Well. I made it to his office. Almost. I stood outside his closed door and listened to the scratching of his pen. And then I felt sick. So I went and laid back down.

Vaguely, I wonder... why I feel so conflicted every time I think of that man touching me.

Perhaps it is because I've seen what happened to Shigure. He was right--once a man fucks me, he can't go for long without it. And it's not because it feels so good. It's because it hurts them.

And all men are masochists.

And I am poison.

And Hatori's hands tremble when he touches me.

I'm trying to save him.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Girls are gross.
I don't like their boobs, or their lack of a penis. That is just freakish to me. Why would you want to have sex with someone who doesn't have a penis? Furthermore, why would you want to live if you didn't have a penis?
For some reason, most men seem to enjoy having sex with, and fantasizing about having sex with, women. Hatori wanted to marry that bitch...what's her name? Just kidding. As if I could forget--I know everything about everybody in my family. Just like I know that Kana has been fucking her husband twice a week although he'd like it more, does not plan on having children any time soon, still dreams about my Hatori although she can't figure out why, still wears her hair like a fucking schoolgirl, wears innocent white underpants although she's a damn slut, wears a size 8 in Women's shoes, writes about her feelings in her pink little diary, is still going to Medical School with no end in sight, eats mocha chip ice cream at midnight when she's depressed, and has been going to counseling because she bursts into tears at random moments and can't explain why.
I know everything about her. I know everything about everyone.
If only I could manage to forget everything I know about that sad little flower I'm unfortunate enough to be related to, I would be much happier.

ha ha. Probably not.

The point being, thoughts like "Would Hatori like me better if I had tits?" and "Would Shigure call me as often if he wasn't a pedophile?" keep on troubling me and I can't sleep although I've got a raging headache.

I wonder why everyone wants to fuck me.

I wonder why Yuki is the one exception to this rule, and why he's the only person I can't bear the thought of living without.

I wonder why he likes that cunt, Tohru Honda, better than he likes me.

I wonder why dying suddenly doesn't seem so terrible.
This room is never clean.
I am getting really sick of it.
The servants come in here on tiptoe, acting like they're trying to be respectful of my delicate condition...they stoop down and pretend to scrub things. When they leave, the layer of dust is just as thick as before, and there's an unpleasant odor lingering in their absence.
I hate my family. They're trying to drive me crazy. I am, of course, entirely sane regardless of their efforts; but I sometimes feel like that won't last for long.
After all, how anyone is expected to work in a room this filthy is beyond me.
I lost my temper and threw some stuff around. I felt better for a while after lying in a pile of broken glass. My frustration bled out of me, and I painted a picture on the wall.
The words are dripping now and there is a blank in my mind.
The scent of angel is heavy on the air. I awake, and my hand brushes his shadow.

He has left me forever.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Damn. Apparently I have been living in the past. They have something called text messaging now. A minute ago I recieved this really annoying message on my cell phone. It was from Shigure. It said: "Hey there, sugar blossom! :) How's my sweetness doing?"
Strangely, a nauseous feeling came over me although I haven't eaten anything today and I nearly lost control of my extraordinary willpower and puked--but I didn't.
Needless to say, I did not reply to that pointless and offensive message. When did I give that idiot permission to refer to me as "sugar blossom" or "sweetness"? Gag. That's revolting...and not reverant in the least. He should be punished for that.
Stupid dog.
10 Things I Hate About You:

1) You're not a Souma.
2) If you are a Souma, then you're ungrateful and you're stealing the very breath from my body by satisfying your own lungs with oxygen; stop leeching off of my lifeforce, you freak!
3) You're ugly.
4) You're the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
5) Whenever you open your mouth, I feel a migraine coming on.
6) You're defiant.
7) You're obnoxious. Stop smiling! Stop it.
8) You're not writhing in pain.
9) You actually believe that someone in this world could love you.
10) You have about fifty more years to live than me.

I like making lists.
Something has been called to my attention recently--in the rudest possible way.
My pet writer came over last night; I'd hardly said "Hello," before he was out of his robes and pounding me into the floor. Normally, I'd enjoy this rough sort of treatment. Sadly, as I was nearing the height of my passion, he chose that moment to tell me, "Akito. You know what your problem is? You have no sense of humor."
I was so shocked I actually let him finish.
After he left, I went outside into the cold, damp night and stared up at a starless sky and screamed, "Why?!"
Why would anyone say that to me? I do have a sense of humor. I do.
I laugh when people cry. I think it's hilarious. All you have to do to make me smile is squeeze out a few tears and really, I'm rolling on the floor with laughter--or at least, sneering. Once, I broke my cousin's arm and he howled for hours; I found that so funny that my ribs were hurting for days from laughing so hard.
I make nasty phone calls daily, letting people know what they've done to ruin the world they live in. And then I laugh when they have nervous breakdowns. It's a hobby. I like to laugh; I like to hurt people who've pissed me off. The two go hand in hand. How anyone can accuse me of not having a sense of humor is beyond me, and quite frankly, it's hurtful.
I won't stand for it! Damn, I'm getting mad...
I think I'd better take some morphine now. The pain is getting intense.
All you people out there who think that I don't laugh...
You're wrong!